dimanche 4 février 2018

Learning Korean - part 2

Hey crew!

Once again, sorry guys but this article is pretty much interesting only to french people since I talk about the korean classes I take in Paris.. all I can say is that the AAA association in Paris is a real good deal and that their class is very well done.

It's my first time taking korean classes, until now, I've learned by myself, with apps and books, internet and dramas... for now we're still on learning how to write and read, wich I already know so it seems kind of slow to me, but I know that it's important for the others like M. and it's pretty cool to be able to help him... anyway it doesn't hurt to see those information once again....  

The hard thing to deal with it that the class is at 6PM... it doesnt go well with work but hey, we managed and we do our best! 

If you have any question I will answer it, of course, you can still access the orginal article in french if you have any interest in it! HERE

Take care until next time... and promese I will make something interesting even for english speakers, like something about korean dramas or how we already start looking for appartments! 

D-202 before Korea

mercredi 31 janvier 2018

korean restaurants in paris

Hey crew!

I'm writing this as I talked with someone from marseillen telling me that she was suffering from the lack of korean restaurants there. so here you are, if you ever come to paris, those are my favs!

Le Dochilak :

  • 96 rue de Levis

  • 15 rue littré

  • 22 rue saint Augustin

good vibes, the restaurants are pretty and cute, th service is quick and you can spend a nice time.. the food isn't  always freshly made as the desserts are frozen, but even though their bibimbap are veeery nice and tastyand they have menus for vegans! wich I'm not but it's a good thing I think!

A mes yeux c'est le plus stylé, le plus "instagramable" : le Dochilak

The cutest: AMO 

as I say small, it really is... there's maybe 10 tables not even sure if it's not less so it's easily crowded!

you will be served by the most adorable Ajushi that will do his best to take care of you, even though his french isn't that good (no idea about his english btw). Fresh products, short menu, everything is here to prove the quality of this place!!

8 rue du Hameau, Paris. Si seulement il n'était pas aussi loin de tout (moi)...

it may not be the prettiest place but I think it's the one I love the most!

 Amo, petit restaurant cosy + M en fond *___*

Le dokkebi

33 rue des petits champs, Paris

large choices of dishes, some are spicy so be carefull if you're not used to it!

the thing I love the most there is the porc with kimchi entry! crazy good! for lunch you eat like a king for 12 euros or something like that, it would be crazy not to go! in the evening the prices are higher but still not so much for paris.

an advice, if you're not there alone, take an entry for several personn... one entry may be too big for one personne (on the picture, at the center of the table are our entries.... yep pretty much the same size as our main dishes)

oui oui, au centre de la table c'est bien des "entrées" du dokkebi... vous comprenez bien que c'est copieux

D - 207 before Séoul

there's other things appart from seoul

Hey crew, 

I told you that this blog wouldn't be only about Korea !

Through Instagram I got used to share the cool stuff I come across daily so let's do it with this bog too!

So around christmas, I received from that cute french brand Manoline two adorable necklaces (as you can see in the pictures)...

The brand is created by twho sisters that make the jewelries by themself (homemade stuffs are the best) and they sell them on their website at veery law prices!

rings, bracelets, necklaces, earings you have everything you need, everything you want! the designs are so delicates and cute you will just have the hardest time to decide what you'll go with...

Most of all, the GirlsBoss are adorable and the most friendly people I've ever met, they'll answer kindly to every questions you may have so never hesitate to contact them!

their Instagram here  <3
The web shop   <3

D-212 avant Séoul

learning korean

Hey crew,

sorry but this article was about learninf korean but it's from french to korean so it doesn't have much interess to translate it, so I'm just leaving it as it is.... and I will just say that I started to learn Korean through smartphone's applications and I intend to take classes in order to learn the basics properly before arriving in Seoul!

Hey crew!

Ca fait bien une semaine maintenant que nous avons eu  la nouvelle de notre prochain départ, il était temps de commencer (non sans excitation) à organiser l'expatriation.

Première étape, apprendre le coréen! 

D'une part, nous sommes d'accord et allons prendre des cours, une partie sera assurée par le boulot de M.,  et une autre par les cours de coréen AAA dès le jeudi 25, je vous en parlerai sans doute plus tard.

En attendant, je me suis lancée en solo (l'amoureux n'étant pas trop motivé pour bosser seul après le travail et je le comprends parfaitement). 

J'ai déjà suivis la méthode traditionnelle des manuels il y a des années avant d'aller à Séoul pour la première fois et je souhaitais changer... je me suis tournée vers les applications mobiles, mais voulais reprendre tout à zéro!

On commence le training nourriture coréenne au Dokkebi rue des petits champs!

 Hangûl 101

Cette application n'est tournée que vers l'écriture et la lecture, c'était parfait je ne me souvenais que très peu de l'alphabet coréen... plutôt sommaire elle reste bien faite avec une partie orale pour bien comprendre les sonorités coréennes! une partie théorique est complétée par des quizz qui permettent de retenir véritablement les signes/lettres coréennes en les pratiquant!

La version complète est à moins de 3 euros, le prix d'un shot pas cher à Paris alors pourquoi se priver?

Seul bémol, il manque à mon sens un complément de leçon écrite qui pourrait expliquer à l'étudiant que certaines lettres ne se prononcent pas de la même façon en fonction de leur place dans le mot/la syllabe... ce n'est clairement pas une information superflue!

Nemo coréen et Annyeong

Je regroupe ces deux application car mon avis est identique... Elles sont mignonnes, elles sont jolies MAIS elles ne sont pas destinée à de vrais débutants à mon sens car trop peu tournées vers l'écriture et la lecture, surtout nemo... elles sont destinées à nous apprendre des expressions mais l'écriture coréenne est toujours accompagnée de celle en lettres latines donc on ne fait pas l'effort, qui plus est j'ai eu l'impression que les expressions et mots donnés n'étaient que trop basiques et manquaient de variété.

Les applis ne sont pas mauvaises, simplement pas ce que je cherchais et ne me convenaient pas.


Déception, abonnement mensuel cher et, bien qu'un essai gratuit soit proposé le maximum est fait pour que vous entriez directement vos coordonnées bancaires (et bien sur le paiement se fera automatiquement si vous oubliez et dépassé le délai d'essai), quitte à se sentir un peu harcelée... la prise en main ne s'est donc pas faite, je veux bien payer mais pas le couteau sous la gorge!

Enfin, ma préférée, Coréen FEL

L'application n'est pas très jolie je trouve, elle a l'air d'avoir 10 ans MAIS est la plus complète et la plus intéressante pour moi!

L'application Coréen FEL, hum ce joli orange

L'organisation se fait ainsi : des thèmes divisés par sous thèmes du quotidien... par exemple Thèmes : les services Sous thèmes : banque, poste, centre commercial, hotel, transport bla blabla

Pour chaque sous thème il y a un portefeuille de mot à apprendre et pour celà on vous exerce avec des activités / jeux...

La première étape est d'écouter les mots et de les lire, puis on recommence, puis on change d'activité, on doit relier la sonorité du mot à l'image du mot, puis on doit écrire le mot, puis on doit relier l'écriture du mot à son image, puis l'écriture du mot à l'écriture en coréen et ainsi de suite pour 7 petits jeux...

La répétition fait que l'on retient (et il y aune fonctionnalité qui permet de réviser) mais les jeux font qu'on ne sent pas la répétition.... De plus, les mots et expressions m'ont semblés pratiques et plus tournés vers le quotidien que les autres.

Gros plus, l'application complète est payante MAIS chaque activité réussie nous rapporte des fleurs, fleurs qui sont une monnaie qui permet de ne pas payer le passage au niveau suivant et de simplement donner des fleurs en échange! Et ça... c'est top!!

Honnêtement, je pense que les applications m'ont bien aidé à me remettre en jambe, elles sont particulièrement pratiques dans les transports et ne sont pas encombrantes... elles ne remplacent pas les cours je suppose (je saurais bientôt) mais valent le coup pour les personnes disciplinées!

Allez crew,  jvais aller potasser, n'hésitez pas à me conseiller si vous connaissez un site ou une application qui vaudrait le coup! Je suis toujours prête à tester, et s'il y a des questions, je les attends :)

Yellow Pills.
J-214 avant Séoul

feminism and expatriation

Hey crew 


I wanted to give you a little more details about our futur departure for Korea.

Travels and us

  • Those who know us, know that we are a traveling couple... since we know each other, in two years, we never stoppeds traveling as much as we can! most of the time we're going together but it happens that we go with friends or alone.

  • Those who know him, know that he already lived abroad in South africa and in Indonesia so he is used to the expat life, just as me, he already travelled in South Korea and loved it... 

  • Those who know me, know that I always wanted to live abroad and that I've always been a huge fan of Japan and Korea but I've been stuck with law school and my major that isn't the best when it comes to work out of france...

When I met M. he has just been back from Indonesia and was pretty sure that he would stay in france for the rest of his life but I always knew he would change his mind and to be honnest it was scary for me as I though I could not follow him.

BUT summer 2017 was really hard on me, the all year actually was pretty crap so when he said

"look, let's leave France, come with me, if you don't want to, I'm not going but if you say yes, I'll apply for a job"

Something changed in my head.

TravelCouple en puissance et Instagrameuse à la dérive

  The decision

SO I told you, I always wanted to leave, and at that moment I knew that it would be enough for me to be by his side to find the strengh to take the risk.

I said yes...

In september, M applied for a job in Korea and Vietnam, we had to wait until january to know that boh of the choices were accepted and to choose (in a sec) Korea. 

Nothing was wrong, except... feminism.  

  Why feminism?

I have my woman pride, that wwas the only delicate thing in this story

I was born in feminism, raised in it... I shall be a strong independent women...

Because of this I always fough to do as much as my love partners, but in this situation we are leaving with M's job, so his money... of course I will be looking for a job but god knows when and what I will found....

and that was hard. 

I had to work on me a lot,  because in théory I knew that it would be stupid to lose this opportunity for an idea that isn't even feminism. the most important thing is that I chose to follow him, that I know he would still treat me as his equal even if I do not find a job or something.

feminism is about having the choice, and being able to switch positions... maybe one day I'll be the one earning more money than M and that day he will rely on me and it would be just as good as our situation today. that is feminism. the power to chose.

Corée M-8

PS :  next stape is taking korean classes in paris

From Paris to Seoul

Hey crew,

I suppose that most of my readers will be my family and people from Instagram... I welcome you all... even if most of you know my project to go live in korea this august I still think that it could be good to speak about it.


I'm Yana, I have a degree in intellectual property law and new technologies law...
I haven't had a blog in more than 10 years so it's kind of funny now for me, but I'll manage. I have some followers on instagram but the all this wasn't enough for me as Instagram is mainly focused on the pictures and I wanted to share more with you guys!

Why now?

I've always wanted to live abroad, especially in korea or japan, but life, law school and a lack of courage always hold me back... finaly through my boyfriend we had the opportunity to leave for korea for 3 years... and we took it! we're going before september of this year \o/ yaaay!


Even though the main story will be our life in Seoul, thig blog won't be only about this, I just ant to share my daily life and thinkings with everyone that wants to read it.. 
and I will try as much as possible to make it as well in french and in english... it the translation isn't made it's mostly because it only concerns french people!

bébé blogueuse sur son canapé d'instagrameuse